

Submission Guidelines

AI Communications publishes three kinds of papers:

  • Technical Research papers
  • Survey papers
  • Tutorial papers

All submissions should be written in English, and formatted using the IOS Press style (see below).

Barring exceptional circumstances, which should be discussed with the Editors-in-Chief in advance, submissions should not exceed 30 pages.

Survey and Tutorial papers are normally only accepted under invitation.

The journal offers a fast-track review process for improved versions of high-quality papers that were previously rejected at a top-tier AI conference. Authors submitting such papers should include a cover letter containing the following information: the name of the conference where the paper was initially submitted, the reviews of the original conference paper, and a rebuttal explaining point-by-point how the comments from the reviewers have been addressed.  

All submissions must be made through Editorial Manager at editorialmanager.com/aic.

AI Communications aims to publish important research results in all areas of AI. Before submitting, take the following points into account:

  • Submissions should be original and provide a significant contribution to the field.
  • Submitted work cannot be previously published, pending publication or under review for any other journal or conference.
  • All claims must be supported by theoretical or empirical results.
  • Sufficient experimental details should be given so that any experimental result is reproducible.
  • Papers should demonstrate that the research advances the current state of knowledge, and why this is important.
  • Authors must acknowledge all existing work.
  • Authors should be concise.

Instructions for Authors

Organisation of the paper and style of presentations
1. Manuscripts must be written in English. Authors whose native language is not English are recommended to seek the advice of a native English speaker, if possible, before submitting their manuscripts. Peerwith offers a language and copyediting service to all scientists who want to publish their manuscript in scientific peer-reviewed periodicals and books.
2. Please submit your manuscript electronically as a PDF. Instructions concerning submission of files are given in a separate section.
3. For new submissions you can submit a PDF file only. For revisions or final files please submit the complete LaTeX package (including bibliography, a pdf output). Please use the LaTeX template for formatting your paper.
4. Manuscripts should be organised in the following order:

  • title page;
  • introduction;
  • body of text (divided into section and/or subsections), including tables and figures;
  • conclusion (if any);
  • acknowledgements;
  • references.

5. Any information concerning research grants, etc., should be included in the acknowledgement section preceding the references.
6. Headings and subheadings should be typed on a separate line, without indentation; do not type the whole heading in capitals.
7. SI units should be used, i.e., the units based on the metre, kilogramme, second, etc.
8. Any special instruction to the desk editor or typesetter written on the copy should be encircled. The typesetter will then know that the instruction is not to be set in type. When a typewritten character might have more than one meaning (e.g., the lowercase letter `l' may be confused with the numeral 1), a note should be inserted in a circle in the margin to make the meaning clear to the typesetter. If Greek letters or uncommon symbols are used in the manuscript, they should be written very clearly, and if necessary a note such as `Greek lowercase chi' should be put in the margin and encircled.
9. IOS Press reserves the right to return accepted manuscripts and illustrations to the author for revision if they are not in the proper form given in this guide.

2. The abstract should be clear, descriptive, self-explanatory and not longer than 150 words. It should also be suitable for publication elsewhere.

Title Page
1. The title page should provide the following information:

  • title (should be clear, descriptive and not too long);
  • name(s) of author(s);
  • full affiliation(s);
  • present address of author(s), if different from affiliation;
  • complete address to which correspondence should be sent;
  • abstract.

2. The abstract should be clear, descriptive, self-explanatory and not longer than 150 words. It should also be suitable for publication elsewhere.

    1. Authors should take notice of the limitations set by the size and layout of the journal. Large tables should be avoided. It may be better to divide large tables into smaller ones.
    2. Tables should be numbered according to their sequence in the text. The text should include references to all tables.
    3. Each table should have a brief and self-explanatory title.
    4. Column headings should be brief, but sufficiently explanatory. Standard abbreviations of units of measurement should be added between parentheses.
    5. Any explanations essential to the understanding of the table should be given in footnotes at the bottom of the table.

    1. All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references following the text of the manuscript. The manuscript should be carefully checked to ensure that the spelling of the authors' names is exactly the same in the text as in the reference list, and that the reference list is complete.
    2. The list of references should be arranged alphabetically by authors' names, and chronologically per author and then numbered. If an author's name is mentioned separately as well as with one or more co-authors, the following order should be used:

    publications of the single author, arranged in chronological order;
    publications of the author with one co-author;
    publications of the author with more than one co-author.

      3. Use the following system for arranging your references:
      a. For periodicals: [initials, name], [title paper], [title periodical (italics)] [volume (bold)]([number, if any]) ([year]), [first page]-[last page].
      b. For books: [initials, name], [title book (italics)], [publisher], [place of publication], [year].
      c. For papers in proceedings: [initials, name], [title paper], in: [title book (italics)], [volume, if any], [initials + names of editors], eds, [publisher], [place of publication], [year], pp. [first page]-[last page].
      d. For unpublished reports, departmental notes, etc.: [initial, name, if any], [title paper]. Unpublished [description], [name of institute, department, etc.].

      V.G. Drinfeld, Elliptic modules, Mat. Sb. 94(136) (1974), 596-627 (in Russian).

      J. Kendrick, Service sector productivity, Business Economics, April, 1987, 25-32.

      J.H. van Lint, Algebraic geometry codes, in: Coding Theory and Designs, Part I, D.

      Ray-Chauduri, ed., IMA Volumes in Math. and its Appl., Vol. 20, Springer, New York, 1990, pp. 137-162.

      F.J. MacWilliams and N.J.A. Sloane, The Theory of Error-Correcting Codes, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1977.

      D. Weld and J. de Kleer, eds, Readings in Qualitative Reasoning About Physical Systems, Morgan Kaufmann, 1990.

      A. Raoult, Analyse mathématique de quelques modèles de plaques et de poutres élastiques ou élasto-plastiques. Thèse ď État, Univ. P. et M. Curie, 1988.

      University of Southern California Financial Accounting Study Group: Setting financial accounting standards for the 21st century. Financial Reporting and Standard Setting, New York: AICPA, 1991.

      4. Do not abbreviate the titles of periodicals, or use only standard abbreviations, in the list of references.
      5. In the case of publications in any language other than English, the original title is to be retained. However, the titles of publications in non-Latin alphabets should be transliterated, and a notation such as `(in Russian)' or `(in Greek, with English abstract)' should be added.
      6. Citation in the text is indicated by numbers in square brackets. Multiple citations are set without spaces: [25-27,31]. More detailed citations are set as in following examples: see [12, p. 760] and also [5, Chapter V, p. 233].
      7. Sometimes author's name(s) can be given along with the reference by number. Then, if reference is made to a publication written by more than two authors, the name of the first author should be used followed by ‘et al.'. However, you should never use ‘et al.' instead of author's names in the list of references.

      1. Footnotes should only be used if absolutely essential. In most cases it will be possible to incorporate the information in the text.
      2. If used, they should be numbered in the text, indicated by superscript numbers and kept as short as possible.

            Electronic submission guide

            (a) Submission of new manuscripts
            Please upload your submission through the submission system.

            (b) Accepted papers
            1. All accepted papers will be processed electronically.
            2. All the source files needed to reproduce your paper should be submitted to the Editorial Manager with a letter that specifies that this is the final version of an accepted paper. You should specify the mstracker id of that paper.
            3. Manuscripts should be formatted in LaTeX using the style file aicom.sty available here.
            4. Make sure your files are self-contained, i.e., there are no pointers to your system set-up.
            5. Check that your files are complete. Include: abstract, text, references (bibliography), footnotes, tables, figure/table captions, subject and keywords.
            6. Please include your postal address and fax number, where proofs of the manuscript can be sent.
            7. The corresponding authors will receive a pdf proof within a few weeks. With the proofs, IOS sends an order form for authors to order reprints, a pdf or extra copies of the printed journal.
            1. An author, when quoting from someone else's work or when considering reproducing an illustration or table from a book or journal article, should make sure not to infringe a copyright.
            2. Although in general an author may quote from other published works, permission should be obtained from the holder of the copyright if substantial extracts, tables or other illustrations are to be reproduced. If the copyright holder is not the author of the quoted or reproduced material, it is recommended that the permission of the author should also be sought.
            3. Material in unpublished letters and manuscripts is also protected and must not be published unless permission has been obtained.
            4. Submission of a paper will be interpreted as a statement that the author has obtained all the necessary permission.
            5. A suitable acknowledgement of any borrowed material must always be made.
            6. The copyright license of IOS Press can be found here. We do not require that authors sign a copyright transfer form because the copyright of the manuscript will stay with the author. This will allow them for instance to freely post their manuscript (the version un-edited by IOS Press) on their personal or institutional website, or in a repository. If they would like to post the published version (the version edited by IOS Press, with right page numbering etc) they can purchase the right to do so (and receive a copy of the PDF). This latter option is communicated to the corresponding author of a paper when they are sent the galley proofs of the paper.

            How to order reprints, a PDF file, journals, or IOS Press books
            The corresponding author of a contribution to the journal will receive a complimentary PDF Author’s Copy of the article, unless otherwise stated. This PDF copy is watermarked and for personal use only. A free PDF copy will not be provided for conference proceedings and abstract issues. An order form for a PDF file without watermark, reprints or additional journal copies will be provided along with the PDF proof. If you wish to order reprints of an earlier published article, please contact the publisher for a quotation. IOS Press, Email: editorial@iospress.nl

            Submission of manuscripts
            By submitting an article to this journal, you agree to the IOS Press License to Publish: https://www.iospress.nl/service/authors/author-copyright-agreement/ and the IOS Press Privacy Policy: https://www.iospress.nl/privacy-policy/. As of Q3 2024, IOS Press has adopted Sage’s editorial policies. Please go to Sage's Publication Ethics and Research Integrity - Policy Guidelines for Authors for details.

            Submission of an article is understood to imply that the article is original and unpublished and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
            If the address to which proofs should be sent is different from the correspondence address, authors are kindly requested to indicate this. Both the editor and the publisher should be informed of any changes in either or both of these addresses. Please also supply a direct telephone number, fax number and email address if available.

            Required files
            For initial submission a .pdf file of the article is sufficient. After an article has been accepted for publication, an editable file in LaTeX is required. If you are uploading a paper that has been accepted for publication or accepted pending minor revisions, please upload the source files of the paper. Please use our LaTeX template and also send a pdf version of the LaTeX file as well as separate files of all figures (if any); see "Preparation of manuscripts" for the required file formats. LaTeX packages should be compiled into .zip or .rar files.


            Authors of published articles (non-prepress, final articles) will be contacted by Kudos. Kudos is a service that helps researchers maximize the impact and visibility of their research. It allows authors to enrich their articles with lay metadata, add links to related materials and promote their articles through the Kudos system to a wider public. Authors will receive no more than three emails: one invitation and a maximum of two reminders to register for the service and link the published article to their profile. Using and registering for Kudos remains entirely optional. For more information, please have a look at our authors section.

            How to promote your work
            Would you like some pointers on how to help your research achieve a wider reach and greater impact? Please consult our Promotional Toolkit for Authors for tips.